Alone in the Wilderness - YouTube, - "Alone in the Wilderness" is the story of Dick Proenneke living in the Alaska wilderness. Dick filmed his adventures so he could show his relatives in the lower 48 states what life was like in Alaska, building his cabin, hunting for food and exploring the area.
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Tree of Life Web Project, The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world.On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history ()..
Life in 120 Square Feet, Hey! You may be surprised to find me here. This dusty old blog, which stands as a testament to a long-ago adventure, doesn't see a lot of sunlight these days..
Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear , Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar [Cheryl Strayed] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This bestselling book from the author of Wild </i>collects the best of The Rumpus's Dear Sugar advice columns plus never-before-published pieces..
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