21 Examples of Stupid People Doing Stupid Things - YouTube, From sitting under a precarious rock, to driving off and taking the gas station with you, here are 21 Examples of Stupid People Doing Stupid Things. Subscrib
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Stupid.com | Funny Gifts, Gag Gifts, Novelty Gifts , It's Stupid.com - Shop for Laughs! Unique, funny, and just plain wacky Gag Gifts, Funny Gifts, Stocking Stuffers, and Novelty Gifts..
Stupid | Define Stupid at Dictionary.com, Stupid definition, lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull. See more..
Stupid Synonyms, Stupid Antonyms | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, stupid, dull, dense, crass, dumb mean lacking in power to absorb ideas or impressions. stupid implies a slow-witted or dazed state of mind that may be either congenital or temporary..
Stupid | Definition of Stupid by Merriam-Webster, She angrily described her boss as a stupid old man.. He had a stupid expression on his face.. I'm not stupid enough to fall for that trick.. Why are you being so stupid?. It was stupid of me to try to hide this from you..
Stupid - definition of stupid by The Free Dictionary, stu·pid (sto͞o′pĭd, styo͞o′-) adj. stu·pid·er, stu·pid·est 1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse. 2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes. 3 .
21 Examples of Stupid People Doing Stupid Things - YouTube, From sitting under a precarious rock, to driving off and taking the gas station with you, here are 21 Examples of Stupid People Doing Stupid Things..
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